

Siegmund is a global leading company and manufacturer of welding and clamping tables and machines and machine parts. Siegmund is the market leader in the market segment "precision welding tables". Their products are used in nearly all branches, especially at machine-, construction-, metal- and automotive technology. Products can be applied at the prototype construction as well as at the series production with and without robot connection. With Siegmund welding and clamping tables it is possible to actualise extensive application and combination possibilities within a short time due to the elaborate building blocks system with a huge variety of compatible clamping tools.


Varilne mize

Varilne mize

Tirni sistem

Tirni sistem

Platformni sistemi

Platformni sistemi

Delovne mize »Workstation«

Delovne mize »Workstation«

Poravnalna in vpenjalna stiskalnica

Poravnalna in vpenjalna stiskalnica

Manipulatorji in Pozicioneri

Manipulatorji in Pozicioneri

Manipulatorji Siegmund

Manipulatorji Siegmund

HALDER d.o.o.,
Miklavška cesta 50,
SI-2311 Hoče

INFO: +386 2 61 82 646
TRGOVINA: +386 2 61 65 384
SERVIS: +386 2 61 65 381